
postheadericon Teeter Hang Ups Dex II Decompression and Extension Machine

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Thinking about buying Teeter Hang Ups Dex II Decompression and Extension Machine? We have got one of the best collection of ItemTitle. Buy your highest-quality about Teeter Hang Ups Dex II Decompression and Extension Machine to your home with Bargain and Fast Delivery on eligible products.

Teeter Hang Ups Dex II Decompression and Extension Machine Specification

  • Forward-rotating, user-controlled inversion machine for stretching and strengthening
  • Puts body in fixed 90/90-degree position to flatten lumbar curve and separate vertebrae
  • Sturdy lap support and adjustable leg supports; washable, padded vinyl mat
  • Traction handles for stretching lower back; lower handles for user-controlled rotation
  • 300-pound capacity; measures 28 x 58 x 45 inches (W x H x D); 5-year warranty

Teeter Hang Ups Dex II Decompression and Extension Machine Overview

The Dex II is a forward-rotating, user controlled inversion machine. The body is placed in a 90 degree position which helps to flatten the lumbar curve for greater separation of lower vertebrae. Traction is applied to the hip joints. The Dex II is ideal for back extension exercises. The unique traction handles offer a method for increased decompression. [else][endif] [if
  • Forward-rotating, user-controlled inversion machine for stretching and strengthening
  • Puts body in fixed 90/90-degree position to flatten lumbar curve and separate vertebrae
  • Sturdy lap support and adjustable leg supports; washable, padded vinyl mat
  • Traction handles for stretching lower back; lower handles for user-controlled rotation
  • 300-pound capacity; measures 28 x 58 x 45 inches (W x H x D); 5-year warranty

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