
postheadericon Teeter Hang Ups Fit-100 Inversion Table

Buy Teeter Hang Ups Fit-100 Inversion Table Store

Looking out for Teeter Hang Ups Fit-100 Inversion Table? We have the best quality selection of ItemTitle. Get the best-quality for Teeter Hang Ups Fit-100 Inversion Table to your home through Wonderful Deal and Fast Delivery on qualify items.

Teeter Hang Ups Fit-100 Inversion Table Features

  • Fit Flex Bed design to reduce pressure and maximize spinal comfort
  • Ankle Comfort Dial adjusts up or down allowing for a secure, comfortable fit.
  • 250 lb/6'6" User Capacity
  • Quick Fold Storage
  • 2-Year Warranty

Teeter Hang Ups Fit-100 Inversion Table Overview

Teeter Hang Ups has been making high quality inversion products to relieve back pain, decompress, stretch and relax muscles for 30 years.

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